By enrolling in our complimentary Loyalty Program, you’ll gain access to an array of exclusive perks, including special discounts, promotions, giveaways, raffles, and other unique offers. As a token of our appreciation for your continued support, all members enjoy a 5% discount on all our services. Furthermore, as a member, you’ll be the first to be informed about our flash offers and various events where you could walk away with exciting prizes.
If you’re interested in taking your involvement with EcoEnergy Solutions to the next level, consider joining our Ambassador Program. In addition to the benefits available in our Loyalty Program, Ambassadors also receive commissions on sales, opportunities for paid trips, and entry into premium raffles. This program presents an excellent chance to earn rewards while sharing the advantages of EcoEnergy Solutions with others.

Loyalty Program Benefits

5% Discount on all of our services.

Be the first to know about our Flash Offers.

Free Tune-ups when getting a New AC unit.

Free Roof inspection once a year when getting a new Roof.

Giveaway and frequent Raffle Participation

Ambassador Program Benefits

All of the benefits of the Loyalty program.

Commissions and Cash Rewards.

Free-Paid Trips.

Premium Raffle Participation.


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Note. Once you sign up for the Loyalty program, you immediately receive its benefits. However, you start receiving the benefits from the Ambassador program once you get your first referral.